David Gletty: Surveillance and Infiltration: Why Use It?

David Gletty and/or his Professional Associates are available for direct employment with your organization.


Not every investigator can properly use surveillance the way that it should be so that the results of the case can be maximized. If the investigator is spotted or even makes the subject nervous then the “deal is done” and the chance for the client to properly have surveillance accomplished is finished also. This happens every day across America because some investigators are un-qualified and rely too much on technology. The only one that really loses when the “cover is blown” are the clients and any hope of trying to get the possible results they were paying for.

Surveillance is the starting point for most investigations and is used as an important tool during almost every service that David Gletty (DGI) offers. Whether the assignment is infiltration, executive protection, safety/security assessment, property or asset recovery and etc. it all starts with Surveillance for David Gletty (DGI) DGI’s Investigators have many years of experience conducting surveillance the proper way. Sometimes our investigators have to become the janitor or secretary, security officer, salesperson and even a plumber at times to get the results needed to satisfy the clients reason for needing surveillance.

No matter what reason the client may have to use surveillance, David Gletty (DGI) guarantees that while DGI Investigators are on the job it will be performed in a discreet, professional and confidential manner. There are several types of surveillance starting with human/hands-on surveillance, video surveillance, communications surveillance, electronic surveillance, social networking surveillance, information and data surveillance, counter-surveillance and etc. Tell DGI what you need and we will take care of it.

Important Investigative Fact: Every client and case is not the same and each is unique by themselves and need to be treated in that manner so that a plan can be tailored for each case. Much too some peoples surprise an Experienced Investigator cannot just pick up a video camera, hop in their vehicle and start the case. All of the facts have to be presented and then a plan must be derived from all of the facts and after the plan is made only then does an Experienced Investigator start the case. That is how DGI handles each and every case.

Infiltration: The next step after surveillance.

Is your company suffering losses from un-identified sources, are you having serious security threats, are you crunching the numbers every month and trying to stay within the budget, but you are losing profits for unknown reasons, are there un-acceptable fines and citations while you are adhering to all the rules and regulations, does your company have senseless injuries that lead to expensive rate hikes to your workers compensation insurance, drop in productivity, Do you believe that some of your employees may have a drug or alcohol problem? If so then DGI can help you solve this puzzle and many other issues that your company may have internally.

This is a very sensitive subject for all companies to come to grips with, but the problem cannot be ignored and the problem will not go away by itself. No matter how you put a spin on the problem it only leads to a couple of bad situations that can happen to your company in the form of Law suits, Loss of credibility with clients, loss of man hours and maybe worst of all a bruise to the company’s good name.

DGI can help because we have seen and taken care of issues like this for clients, that is what we do. Sometimes top management is separated from middle management, lower management and common workers by many levels of filters that have been put up over the years. During these hard economic times most everyone is afraid of losing their job and sometimes try to take care of local issues themselves or much worse hide the problem from upper management so that it does not appear that they do not have their job duties and people under control. Nobody wants to admit that their company may have internal problems, but can you afford to let issues continue on their destructive path?

Infiltration by one of DGI’s qualified investigators amongst the personnel of a company is a most efficient and proven investigation technique. One of our associates supervises the investigator in conjunction with the client on a case by case basis and, in certain situations, with client's legal counsel. The team work helps to gather all the information required as well as the admissible evidence to prepare for subsequent legal, administrative, civil or criminal intervention.

Here is a piece of information that DGI has firsthand knowledge of and it is verified through Labcorp of America: Some employees that have a drug problem or alcohol problem carry a small bottle of bleach or visine with them at all times in the case that they may be randomly drug tested. Bleach and visine clean the urine specimen so that no traces of drugs or alcohol show up and if you do not pay the screener, it is more expensive, to check for foreign substances like bleach or visine then it will not show up and the employee will come back with a negative test.