During the years that David Gletty and crew were working for the FBI they were assigned to infiltrate and conduct surveillance on certain groups of people in society.
The purpose of the surveillance and infiltration ranged from:
* Collecting intelligence and information for identification of targets and future use.
* Staying on top of the possible criminals and criminal acts.
* Securing evidence, audio/video recordings and etc. to be used in the court of law, if needed.
* Securing evidence, audio/video recordings and etc. to be used in the court of law, if needed.
* Prevention of possible criminal acts.
* Prosecution of criminals involved in said acts.
Different groups/persons infiltrated on behalf of the FBI:
* Anti-Government Militias.
* Domestic Terrorist Cells.
* Foreign Terrorist Cells.
* Extremist Groups.
* Illegal Narcotics and Weapons Dealers.
* Counterfeit Currency and Products producers.
* Television/Film Industry.
* Construction Industry.
* Corporations and large Companies.
* Federal/State/County buildings/complexes/facilities.
David Gletty and his crew are specialist at infiltrating and breaching any target presented to them.
Because of their past work and training while with the FBI what they offer is unique to the industry.
They have the skills to think like the criminals and find every weakness, through surveillance, that is present concerning the target they were assigned to.
Once they find the weakness the next step would be infiltration of the target.
After the infiltration process the next step is to mimic and adapt to the target while collecting valuable information, intelligence, video recordings, audio recordings, confidence/trust, before hand knowledge of illegal activities and etc.
The last step would be prevention and prosecution of the criminals for the planned illegal activities.
It sounds simple and it is for David Gletty and his crew because of the extensive background and experience working for the FBI.
That is what qualifies David Gletty to be a specialist/consultant on Infiltration and Prevention of Terrorist Acts in the United States.
Thank you and we look forward to serving your needs.
Contact: DavidGletty@gmail.com