FBI: "How to Infiltrate the FBI" by FBI Operative David Gletty

Please read below email about FBI Operative David Gletty’s career and media interviews. He can tell you the real story from a Federal level about the lies, deception, set-ups, criminal acts he was forced to commit in the name of Justice.

FBI Operative David Gletty, and Crew, in the past have infiltrated Domestic Terrorist groups, Anti-Government Militia groups, Extremist groups and Law Enforcement /Community issues.

Investigator David Gletty and his crew infiltrated the groups mentioned above on behalf of the FBI while gaining valuable intelligence and creating many arrest. Because of the experience and knowledge that  Investigator Gletty has gained while working for the FBI in an undercover capacity all the major media networks trust David Gletty and have conducted many interviews with Investigator David Gletty.

Investigator David Gletty is available to discuss his infiltration of Domestic Terrorist Groups, Anti-Government Militia’s, Extremist Groups, Law Enforcement/Community issues and the un-Constitutional Tactics used to gain intelligence and information concerning said groups. Investigator David Gletty knows firsthand, because he lived it, the lies, deception, set-ups, criminal acts committed by the FBI and Associates to complete the assignment.

Please give Mr. Gletty the opportunity to discuss any/or all of the subjects mentioned above and how the laws and constitutional rights were violated while trying to seek Justice.

Please see a 2 minute collage with some of our media interviews:

Thank you

Investigator/FBI Operative
David Gletty