David Gletty FBI Operative and Career Killer

Career Killer, FBI Operative David Gletty

During the years that David Gletty served as an FBI Operative he was put in certain situations by the FBI that would have him in a position of meeting certain Law Enforcement Officers, Teachers, Lawyers, Politician’s, Medical Professionals, Government Employees and other persons in “Sensitive Professional Career” positions, but the meetings all took place under circumstances that would be considered by most as “Un-Ethical” activities and even “Illegal Activities” at times.

FBI Operative David Gletty did not know he was put in these situations on purpose by the FBI and just brushed it off as “Un-Planned Introductions” to important “Subjects of Interest.” But in reality they were very well “Planned Introductions” by the FBI for the sole purpose of ruining that persons career via simple “Witness and Testimony” by FBI Operative David Gletty and/or one of Operative David Gletty’s associates in the “Search for Justice”

Example: Fruitland Park Florida Police Department

Google search David Gletty and Fruitland Park Florida Police Department and you be the judge of the information that you read. David Gletty neither confirms nor denies that he was used as a “Puppet” to ruin the career of several officers from Fruitland Park. Read the Orlando Sentinel report on the story and you decide. They accuse Operative David Gletty of such FBI activities.

Example: Seminole County Public Schools Teacher

M*** W***** was a casualty of David Gletty’s witness against him and it cost him a long term career as a Seminole County Florida Educator. From Operative David Gletty’s testimony it was stated that Mr. W***** was at certain Extremist Group events where Illegal Activities were planned. Whether Mr. W***** was part of the Illegal Activities discussion or not was never a part of the decision to force him to resign, it was only the possibility of him being at such an event that was the final factor in the decision to force him to resign. There is no other evidence that Mr. W***** was at an Extremist group event other than Operative David Gletty’s testimony.

Example: Orange County Sheriff’s Office

Officer D***** P**** of sector 2 had Operative David Gletty witness against him and it cost him being transferred to another sector and never being able to return to a certain neighborhood again while employed by the OCSO and a more “Rocky” relationship with his wife.

Operative David Gletty also was witness against 4 other OCSO Deputies in closed hearings.

Example: Jacksonville Florida Fire and Rescue

EMT T** H***** was involved in a scandal when Operative David Gletty stated that he heard EMT H***** say that he refused emergency medical service to a black male when he needed CPR after a car accident.

Example: Blountsville Alabama Police Department (This Event is recorded in a book authored by David Gletty titled “Undercover Nazi”

Operative David Gletty was purposely put in a position to be arrested by the Blountsville Alabama Police Department, BAPD was unaware of this plot of course. Scandals were exposed because of the arrest of Operative David Gletty and a few months later during elections the people of Blountsville Alabama elected a new Sheriff with a number of new Deputies replacing those that were released because of Operative David Gletty’s work.

Example: Melbourne Florida Police and Brevard County Florida Corrections (stated on National Media Television by David Gletty)

After Operative David Gletty stated on National Media television that he investigated, in an undercover capacity for the FBI, Melbourne Florida Police Officers and Brevard County Corrections Officers some of those officers were released without incident or resigned without question.

Example: ThyssenKrupp Elevators of Florida

Because of Operative David Gletty’s testimony to the FBI, agents were able to visit an office of ThyssenKrupp Elevators in Florida and arrange for several employees to be released without incident or contest.

Example: Thomas Law Firm of Orlando Florida

A member of counsel for the Thomas Law Firm was representing a client that was in a law suit against a client that Operative David Gletty was associated with. When Operative David Gletty stated that opposing counsel for the Thomas Law Firm was involved with Extremist Groups that he witnessed against in the past on behalf of the FBI the counsel for the Thomas Law Firm withdrew their contest and settled the law suit immediately.

Example: Orange County Supervisor of Elections

After Operative David Gletty was able to get a women posing as his wife with no citizenship or proof of citizenship signed up to vote in the 2012 presidential election and voting in the primary’s he then approached the main office with his Investigative report about the Undercover Fraud that he had conducted, per order of the FBI. Operative David Gletty was informed by the FBI that the “Chain Had Been Jerked” on the top officials of the Orange County Supervisor of Elections.

Example: Orlando Sentinel reporter Lauren Ritchie

Reporter Lauren Ritchie was manipulated by Operative David Gletty and the FBI in a way that it forced her to write a report stating that Operative David Gletty uses his earned credibility and past work for the FBI to lie about and manipulate the facts so that persons accused of wrong doings that have crossed paths with Operative David Gletty in the past have no other avenue to take but resign in peace or contest the allegations which means guilty or not it hurts their family, friends, work partners and their career.

Example: How many other Professionals have lost their careers because of Operative David Gletty’s unproven eyewitness account or testimony as an FBI Operative?

Why Such a Destructive Career?

FBI Operative David Gletty was forced by the “Powers in Place” to carry out their instructions not because of a past Criminal History, but because of a need for a “Professional Grade Income” and certain “Talents” he had that the FBI could utilize to achieve certain goals.

No matter what people think about FBI Rat’s, Sometimes Operative David Gletty did what he thought was best “For Love of Country” and “Justice for the Common Man.

Thank you for Understanding

Investigator David Gletty
